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This Amazonite Pendant is a gorgeous pale blue/green color in an oval shape surrounded by pretty silver scroll work. The pendant measures 2 inches high by 1 inch wide.


Amazonite is the stone of truth, communication and harmony. It's energy is that of personal truth, allowing one to express one's heart through communication. The element is Water and the Chakras are 4th (Heart) and 5th (Throat). It can be helpful for those who are out of touch with their truth. When someone doesn't know what the want or what they feel, Amazonite can assist them in gaining clarity. For those who are unclear, about what they have to offer the world, Amazonite can gently point them toward their gifts and knowlege. It is a powerful ally for those who have difficulty setting boundaries on physical, energetic and emotional levels while helping to overcome fear of conflict.

Beautiful Amazonite Sterling Pendant

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