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This Large and Impressive Lapis Lazuli 5 Points is a stunning shade of Blue and is filled with inclusions of Gold! The Pendant measures 2.5" long and the cord measures 18" in diameter.


Lapis Lazuli awakens the third eye and enhances one's ability to visualize and receive visual guidance or information. It enhances meditative journeys and facilitates past and alternate-life viewing. It is a stone for clairvoyance and precognition.  It helps one move one's consciousness beyond the mundane and allows one to identify habits, patterns and lessons one may have difficulty preceiving consciously, and which may be blocking one from making spiritual progress. Lapis Lazuli helps one identify the karmic roots of disease. It can be particularly helpful in identifying habitual thought patterns and emotions sabotaging one's healing.

Impressive Lapis Lazuli 5 Point with Silver and Black Cord

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