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This beautiful Agnitite Pendant will stand out on any bright colored clothing or will be helpful worn against the skin. Agnitite stimulates the process of Vibrational Ascension which allows one's body and conciousness to merge with the Divine Fire latent in all matter. It accelerates spriritual growth on all levels. It awakens the capacity for spiritual ecstasy and works to heal the emotional body through the infusion of Divine Light. Agnitite emanates a powerful energy of purification that can purge the cells of habitual patterns of degeneration and disease. It teaches the cellular conciousness that regeneration and rejuvenation are being offered to the body from Divine Source.


Agnitite is the name given to a variety of quartz from an island off the coast of Africa. It's name is derived from the Sanskrit word agni, meaning "fire". It is characterized by reddish streaks of hematite that run though some pieces, although most stones have large areas of without inclusions. Much of the material is slightly milky and translucent.


Agnitite was named for Agni, the Vedic deity of fire who was worshipped in India some 5,000 years ago. Many of the Vedic sacred hymns are invocations to Agni, whom the Rishis considered the supreme source of Spiritual  Light, Life Force and even immortality. Agni was fervently invited to enter the bodies of the ancient chanters of the holy mantras, to illuminate their hearts, bodily tissues and conciousness with the sacred fire carrying the divine nectar. They believed that Agni was a spirtual fire that existed in all of matter, in living things, stones, and even water.

Large Heart-Shaped Agnitite Pendant

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